When we were making V we thought the… 16th March 2012 Stephen Fry When we were making V we thought the mask might be popular at parties. Glad it’s taken more seriously Alan Moore=genius
The rapture has come. Day of days…. 14th March 2012 Stephen Fry The rapture has come. Day of days. Wiltshire man finds face of ET in log:
Oh hadn’t realised it was so big…. 13th March 2012 Stephen Fry Oh hadn’t realised it was so big. Many thanks @HeadcastLab – http://fry.am/zcHnnh
Douglas Adams 60th Birthday Party virtual appearance 12th March 2012 Administrator Produced by Headcastlab™
Next an attempt at a similar sized… 4th December 2011 Stephen Fry Next an attempt at a similar sized round of icing sugar and some stars and silver balls. *sigh* I’ll never be Delia…
Cake icing day. Not the most perfect… 4th December 2011 Stephen Fry Cake icing day. Not the most perfect disk of marzipan …