The General Assembly meet here…. 25th February 2011 Stephen Fry The General Assembly meet here. Rather grander than the Security Council meeting room –
Arab delegates and others embrace the… 25th February 2011 Stephen Fry Arab delegates and others embrace the Libyan ambassador – deputy ambassador in tears. V moving scenes.
The Council Chamber. The Security… 25th February 2011 Stephen Fry The Council Chamber. The Security Council will be meeting in half an hour.
The Snow Monkey enclosure in Central… 25th February 2011 Stephen Fry The Snow Monkey enclosure in Central Park Zoo. Auden on loss of habitat, bang on the money as usual.
Oh do forgive me – I love them both!… 25th February 2011 Stephen Fry Oh do forgive me – I love them both! Here they are in my hotel room! xxx
Fine time at the Friar’s Club…. 25th February 2011 Stephen Fry Fine time at the Friar’s Club. Chairman of the Board looks down at all times –