Phew! Production changed their mind:… 1st July 2011 Stephen Fry Phew! Production changed their mind: it’s now ok to tweet pics of myself in divine form. Here I am in my dressing-room
Say hello to God. If you have any… 1st July 2011 Stephen Fry Say hello to God. If you have any prayers I’ll do my best ….
Hilarious device in the loo of my… 30th June 2011 Stephen Fry Hilarious device in the loo of my hotel room. Make of it what you will …
They even have an area they call… 28th June 2011 Stephen Fry They even have an area they call “Espaço Michael Jackson”
Apparently Michael Jackson filmed a… 28th June 2011 Stephen Fry Apparently Michael Jackson filmed a video in this favela – anyone know which one?
Rio is warming up now. Sorry about… 28th June 2011 Stephen Fry Rio is warming up now. Sorry about thunder back home. Sugarloaf Mountain looking good
Rio’s warmed up. Sorry about thunder… 28th June 2011 Stephen Fry Rio’s warmed up. Sorry about thunder back home. Here’s Sugarloaf mountain