Some of you may have spotted that I recently tweeted the existence of a new service called Pushnote. In the interest of transparency, openness and the general calming down of doubting Thomases and cynical Susans everywhere, I shall declare right away that I do have shares in this new venture. It may be in my interest for you to use Pushnote, but I am not lying when I say that the only real interest for me is the personal one of watching an idea take flight (or not). The service is entirely free, we have no IPO plans, no ambition to get a quick valuation and sell out, nor will we host advertisements or track your comings and goings and sell those on. I have no expectations of making money from this. For me it’s a little like gardening. I don’t do the real thing, but I can see the pleasure in planning out, digging, drilling, seeding, watering, tending and watching the first sproutings of new growth. Not everything takes root and sometimes one misjudges the soil, the climate or the situation, but the process is fascinating and rewarding in and of itself.
That’s probably enough metaphor. Here is a link to the Pushnote FAQ which we hope will address the most obvious questions you might have.

Do remember that we’re in Beta, which means Pushnote is a work in progress. There’s lots to add, lots to polish and lots to improve. Being in Beta means that we’re also reliant on the comments and suggestions of users. So do plunge in and try it out. I think you’ll find that there’s real pleasure in happening upon a site that’s wearing the little pushnote icon in green or red, the sign that a fellow user has been there and has something to say about it.
Above all, please be assured that the issues we take most seriously are your privacy and security.